The Java Class
Winter-Spring 2001

1. Getting the Tools and Documentation

What's Here

Materials from a Java class just that just completed its second teaching (June 2001), including PowerPoint slides, notes, and some examples. The material is intended to be used with Bruce Eckel's book "Thinking in Java, 2nd Edition". The design intent is to include support for the developer that does not have strong Object Oriented Programming or C++ skills and provide a deferent view of the subject, when possible, from a graphical perspective. The numbers, such as (tij2), in the titles on the left indicate the chapter in the book the class materials support.

The materials are truly a work in progress rather than finished. The materials have been used to teach two groups of extremely bright of professionals learning Java. The teaching experience with each class has been used to improve the materials.

It has been suggested that text or voice annotations for the slides should be developed. This is a possibility but is not being considered until the fall of 2001.```


Guide to Getting Set-up to Develop (html)
Getting Set-up to Develop (PowerPoint)
A First Look at CLASSPATHs, Packages and Import Statements (PowerPoint)

2. The Class as a Container (tij2)

(PowerPoint Slides)

3. The Basic Toolkit (tij3)


The Basic Toolkit (part a) (PowerPoint)

Execution Control (part b) (PowerPoint)

4. Initialization and Cleanup (tij4)

(PowerPoint Slides)

5. Hiding the Implementation (tij5)

(PowerPoint Slides)

6. Reusing Classes (tij6)

(PowerPoint Slides)

Exercise Solutions

Tim Nobles suggested that the class members post their solutions to the Exercises in "Thinking in Java" for others in the class to use. What follows is the uncensored work of many brave members of the class.

7. Polymorphism (tij7)

(PowerPoint Slides)

8. Interfaces and Inner Classes (tij8)

(PowerPoint Slides)

9. The Container Store (tij9)

(PowerPoint Slides)

Chapter 2

3. Emeka Emejulu
4. Doray Lendacky
5. Sue John
6. Tim Nobles
7. Rick Acree
8. Glenn Streiff
9. Lisa Spangler
11. Amanda Burton (Netscape4.7 has a problem here.)
12. John Morganti

Chapter 3

1. Emeka Emejulu
2. Spencer Ainsworth
3. Doray Lendacky
4. Jim White
5. Shevaun Fontenot (Part a, Part b)
6. Juan Acosta
7. Glenn Streiff
8. Lars Greninger
9. Levoy Wheeler
10. Sue John

Chapter 4

6. John Morganti
11. Shevaun_Fontenot
14. Rick Acree (Code, Output)
15. Rick Acree (Code, Output)
20. Sue John

Chapter 5

1. Sue John
3. Shevaun Fontenot

Chapter 6

4. Shevaun Fontenot
13. John Morganti
14. Sue John
16. Shevaun Fontenot

Chapter 7

6. Sue John
7. Doray Lendacky
13. Glenn Streiff

Chapter 8

9. Sue John
10. John Morganti
11. Shevaun_Fontenot

Chapter 9

2. John Morganti
3. John Morganti
8. Sue John (,,.

Chapter 10

4. John Morganti
16. John Morganti ( Human_out.txt)

Chapter 11

1. Spencer Ainsworth

Chapter 12

1. Spencer Ainsworth


10. Exceptions for Exceptional Circumstances (tij10)

(PowerPoint Slides)

Example Code

11. Java I/O (tij11)

(PowerPoint Slides)

12. Reflection (tij12)

(PowerPoint Slides)

13. Java's Graphical User Interface Toolkit (tij13)

(PowerPoint Slides)

Note: These slides contain active buttons that run Java examples. Until I get the example code packaged appropriately for download with the slides these active buttons will not function.

14. Java Threads (tij14)

(PowerPoint Slides)

Note: These slides contain active buttons that run Java examples. Until I get the example code packaged appropriately for download with the slides these active buttons will not function.

15. Additional Java Topics

(No Slides)